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Eileen Knott
2 min read
To Make a Cake, You Have to Break a Few Eggs
In order for us to feel better, have more energy, be at peace or live purposefully the energetic-emotional patterns must be undone
Eileen Knott
6 min read
The Art of Self-Expression: Igniting Personal Growth Through Effective Communication
In our journey of personal growth, we often overlook this one aspect: the ability to effectively express our needs wants and desires clearly
Eileen Knott
3 min read
Kintsugi: Metaphor for Healing and Resilience
This ancient technique of Kintsugi, or golden joinery, offers a powerful metaphor for the healing process.
Eileen Knott
3 min read
The Wandering Mind and Unhappiness
I CAN’T STAND THIS! We have all been there. We are doing something we can’t wait to be done with. We are hating it. Time is moving...
Eileen Knott
5 min read
Healing Dissociation: The Power of Grounding and Embodied Presence Practices
Female Meditator in lotus position in the sky with tree roots anchoring into rocks What is Dissociation? When I began my healing journey...
Eileen Knott
4 min read
The Algorithm of Anxiety: Taming the Chaos
Anxiety can be scary and threatening as it feels like this craziness has taken over and you have no control.
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Eileen Knott
2 min read
The Flower of Practice
The last thing I want to do when I am feeling bad is sit with myself. I want desperately to not feel what I feel. I want to scroll,...
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Eileen Knott
3 min read
Life and the Cosmic Pizza Chef
Life and the Cosmic Pizza Chef My meditation teacher, Shinzen Young, uses the phrase “Cosmic Pizza Chef” from time to time in his talks....
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Eileen Knott
4 min read
Somatic Time Travel and Your Emotional Body
IS THIS YOUR EMOTIONAL BODY? I was listening to a webinar with Luis Mojica ( and he used the phrase “somatic...
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Eileen Knott
3 min read
There's This Sensitive Side to Me But.....
When I was in art school in New York City back in my younger days, we had an assignment to create a self portrait. The professor went...
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Eileen Knott
2 min read
Trust and Betrayal
Violation of our trust can occur with small incidents over time when we are children like our fear being dismissed after a nightmare
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Eileen Knott
3 min read
I Feel it in My Bones: Osteo and Emotions
She sat, hunched over, osteoporosis wielding its vengeance of misshapen fragility. Arthritis, osteoporosis, pain and fear keep this once...
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Eileen Knott
2 min read
Make Noise and Take Up Space
She’s been told a lot of lies and its time to change the story. She needs to make noise and take up space.
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