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Eileen Knott
3 min read
Healing Financial Wounds: How Trauma Shapes Your Money Mindset
Healing Financial Wounds: How Trauma Shapes Your Money Mindset Frugality was the money mindset theme I grew up with. I wore my brothers...
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Eileen Knott
4 min read
Somatic Time Travel and Your Emotional Body
IS THIS YOUR EMOTIONAL BODY? I was listening to a webinar with Luis Mojica ( and he used the phrase “somatic...
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Eileen Knott
3 min read
There's This Sensitive Side to Me But.....
When I was in art school in New York City back in my younger days, we had an assignment to create a self portrait. The professor went...
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Eileen Knott
2 min read
Trust and Betrayal
Violation of our trust can occur with small incidents over time when we are children like our fear being dismissed after a nightmare
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