Healing sessions are offered online and in person and provide individualized attention to your specific healing needs. Offering a wide range of physical, emotional and mental assistance with specialization in working with emotional well-being

Has your doctor told you to destress, to try meditation but you just can't make it work? I could only sit 2 minutes when I first began and understand how difficult it can be to get started. Utilizing the Unified Mindfulness system access tools to begin your journey and manage life everyday

Woman's Healing Circle is an online and in person group session with designed to deepen and nourish your self awareness and self connection. A great way to engage with me and my work before doing individual sessions.
Relax and Expand is about creating a solid footing for your personal growth by providing support through the emotional healing process with alternative healing, mindfulness coaching and women's healing circles. Learning to form a deep connection with our sensory experience and embody our emotions with fluidity and relationality aligns our energetic bodies and exponentially expands the wholeness of our lives. Overwhelming life experiences can often get left in our bodies as an energetic charge even long after the event is gone. That charge creates recurring patterns that keep us from moving forward and experiencing life in a more holistic way. Ongoing life stresses, life experiences and continuing hurts create constrictions in us. It gets stored in the body as a kind of energetic charge. Those constrictions then forms a residue that thickens in our fields potentially giving rise to unwanted ailments like fatigue, anxiety and depression and illness. Relax and Expand assists you with tools to utilize in your daily practice as well as alternative healing support
RSVP Everyday! is the beginning steps of your journey to forming a new relationship with yourself and your old patterns. Through mindful and somatic practices we recognize our experience, pause, fully acknowledge our feelings and embrace ourselves with passionate compassion. Get started on your journey with my free Self- Discovery E- book Moving through transitions from the place you are to where you want to be can be difficult. No matter what we want to transition away from whether it is addictions, loss, grief, loneliness, trauma, anxiety and depression, feeling stuck, loss of energy beginning the foundational work of learning how to relate to ourselves is the key place to start. Knowing yourself at the deepest level will give rise to exactly what you need to do.
The healing modalities I offer help support your process and speed your healing. Individual sessions are the most powerful means of assistance. For those wishing to start more gently, the Woman's Healing Circle and Coaching calls are perfect.